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Pitted Prunes Dried Plums | How To Export Prunes?

Pitted Prunes Dried Plums

The properties of dried plums are excellent and great for health so that every day a good amount of this fruit is consumed and moderation is always adhered to. Dried prunes are very healthy and have many nutrients that protect the immune system against digestive problems, damage to free radicals, constipation, cardiovascular disease, and other problems. A single, no-core plum contains no more than 23 calories. Although it has high levels of sugar, a balanced diet with dry plum – especially when you need diet and vitamin K daily – has no harm to the body. Dried plums have low cholesterol and saturated fat, which is useful for health and weight loss.

Dried plums are a healthy alternative to sweet foods, because it suppresses the eating tendency that leads to weight gain and heart problems.

Pitted Prunes Dried Plums | How To Export Prunes?

How to Export Pitted Prunes Dried Plums?

How to Export Pitted Prunes Dried Plums?prune powder

Dried plums increase the intake of nutrients

Dried plums contain many nutrients, including vitamin C, dietary fiber, vitamin A, potassium, iron and antioxidants, all of which are essential for the health and functioning of the immune system.

When you think of dry plum, you really think of its properties for the digestive system, which helps fight inappropriate gut movements, constipation and hemorrhoids. But what’s the rest?

If you increase the amount of prunes to 4 per day, you’ll need 12% daily fiber, 32% vitamin K and 9% potassium. This is beneficial for the growth of bones, muscles, and a stronger immune system. It also helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and is useful to maintain weight or reduce it.

Vitamin A is needed to treat various skin diseases and infections. The body needs more nutrients like fiber and potassium because it protects the body against high sodium. Increasing sodium in the body can affect blood pressure and damage the nervous and muscular system of the body.

Note: Dried plums have many nutrients that are the basis of the immune system and help fight diseases. Having sodium, cholesterol and low sugar, makes prunes a good choice for many healthy people.

Do plums work as well as prunes?

Do plums work as well as prunes?native plum

A source of vitamins is needed to strengthen the sight

Preserving visual health is essential with nutrient sources such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. A lack of vitamin A in the body can cause vision problems, such as cataracts, yellow spots, black water, and the like.

Yellow spot loss occurs due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. The loss of yellow spot is a severe ocular problem that causes blurred vision or permanent blindness. A daily diet of vitamin A helps reduce its symptoms.

On the other hand, cataracts are seen with blurred vision, which is caused by covering the lens of the eye. Cataracts do not cause permanent blindness, but the lens covers the daily work of the patient.

A visual observation study found that an effective combination of vitamins and minerals and amino acids could affect the health of the eye. Eyes are more vulnerable than ever due to high air pollution. Vitamins in prunes can prevent free radicals in the body. They can reduce the risk of blindness and prevent multiple eye infections.

Note: Studies have shown that vitamin A, C, and E in dried plums improve eye vision by fighting age-related eye diseases. These diseases include loss of yellow spot, blurred vision, cataracts, and so on.

Is dried plums and prunes the same thing?

Is dried plums and prunes the same thing?bush plum

The blend of boron in the dry plum helps to strengthen the bones

I’m sure you know the dangers of poor bones. Brittle bones can cause bone fractures, bone infections, and such disorders.

Low bone density can cause osteoporosis, bone cancer, arthritis, and other joint problems.

In addition to calcium and some vitamins, there are other nutritional compounds that should be available to combat bone loss. One of them is a boron mineral, and prune is a good source of this mineral.

Boron is a healthy blend that plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis. The weakening of the joints and bones is a bone problem. In addition to medical treatments, a change in diet can also help prevent or treat osteoporosis.

Eating dry prunes will increase bone health for all ages – especially in postmenopausal women. The less bone weakness, the lower the risk of bone fracture and infection.

Tip: The purpose of dry prunes is to improve bone health and has a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of some patients, including osteoporosis. You can restrain such problems with healthy bone density.

Is dried plum good for health?

Is dried plum good for health?It is useful for diabetes

As you know, diabetes has nothing to do with age and gender. If you do not have a healthy diet, and you do not have healthy vegetables and fruits, and instead, you eat foods that make you overweight, you go to diabetes – especially type 1 diabetes.

Not having the proper physical activity also plays an important role in weight gain and obesity. To maintain a good level of blood glucose, you need to follow a healthy diet and physical activity.

Dried plums are rich in soluble fiber that prevent fluctuations in blood glucose levels. The researchers found that there was a connection between the consumption of fruits, including plum and diabetes. You need something to move the food properly in the digestive system. And a diet rich in fiber is what you need.

Also, soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Therefore, the absorption of sugar in the body decreases, which balances the level of blood glucose.

Tip: Eating fruit-rich fruits like dried plums affects your health. To help prevent diabetes, have low cholesterol and balanced blood glucose. To help the body break food, dry prune is essential

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Biggest Buyers Of Dry Plum want low price and good quality. Each year, about 10 million tons of plums are produced in the world, with Iran producing about 147,000 tons of the world's 10th largest corn borer.Based on the announcement by the FAO, China has produced more than 5 million tons and the United States has produced 675,000 tons of plums, respectively, the world's first and second largest producer of this fruit, followed by Serbia, Romania, Chile, Turkey, Spain, Italy, India and Iran. Are located. Kharv city is 18 kilometers from Neishabur in Iran. With over 400 hectares of plum garden. it is the largest producer and exporter of plums in Iran. And is known as the "polar production unit in Iran". Therefore, paying more attention to this agricultural product can have a high economic value for many buyers of this plum. dry plums benefits are so many to take its trade.

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